What's the process? What Happens?
From the moment you contact Furniture Reports your details will be taken and we will arrange an appointment with you.
Our inspectors will visit your home taking digital images to pinpoint the problems, as well as various details including date of purchase, store details, Sofa details etc, before conducting a full overall and internal inspection of goods (if required) to ascertain nature of complaint.
The information is then transferred to our office where a full report will be professionally compiled, checked and validated and returned by first class post to you within the timescale outlined by the report option chosen. The inspection fee is payable on the day of visit by cheque or cash and our inspector will hand you a signed receipt.
The inspection fee can very often be recovered if your furniture complaint is upheld and successful in the form of retailer compensation.
Note: Our Furniture Reports are clear and precise and will accurately give the retailer or manufacturer a clear view of your complaint. We cannot guarantee the outcome of the dispute, only assist you in the Reporting process. Very often this is all that is required as most of our customers successfully achieve a satisfactory outcome once the Report is used.