M Sykes, Hampshire (May 2021)
"Can I say a big thank you to you for your help in preparing the report on our Natuzzi Suite from Barker & Stonehouse at our property Riverside House, Skelton.
After a lot of delays due to us moving house and COVID I eventually issued County Court proceedings which resulted in an instant offer of full refund from B&S and us to keep the Natuzzi until we re receive an alternative new suite in 4-5 months.
The report was invaluable and proved the turning point in this case.
Thank You again.."
D Selby (April 2021)
"In December 2020, we instructed Jason Cogley of Furniture Reports of Dartford to carry out an inspection on our new leather suite that had been delivered just a few weeks earlier. Only a few days after delivery we noticed that there were faults including stretching of the leather on one seat in particular but there were other problems as well. The suppliers sent their own technician to inspect the suite and suggested what would only be a temporary repair to the seat and a couple of other repairs. All in all we were not satisfied with their suggested remedies and decided to invest in an independent report.
Jason attended and noted numerous manufacturing reports in the hour and a half he spent with us. Four weeks later we were in receipt of a very comprehensive written report backed up by 48 photographs. A copy of the report and photographic evidence was sent to the suppliers with a request that they reply within two weeks. Not 24 hours had passed before I received a phone call offering a full refund of the significant amount that we had paid them.
There is no doubt in our minds that our investment in obtaining an independent report from Furniture Reports saved us a lot of time and effort in securing a a full refund.."
PRH, Kent (February 2021)
"In December 2020, we instructed Jason Cogley of Furniture Reports of Dartford to carry out an inspection on our new leather suite that had been delivered just a few weeks earlier. Only a few days after delivery we noticed that there were faults including stretching of the leather on one seat in particular but there were other problems as well. The suppliers sent their own technician to inspect the suite and suggested what would only be a temporary repair to the seat and a couple of other repairs. All in all we were not satisfied with their suggested remedies and decided to invest in an independent report.
Jason attended and noted numerous manufacturing reports in the hour and a half he spent with us. Four weeks later we were in receipt of a very comprehensive written report backed up by 48 photographs. A copy of the report and photographic evidence was sent to the suppliers with a request that they reply within two weeks. Not 24 hours had passed before I received a phone call offering a full refund of the significant amount that we had paid them.
There is no doubt in our minds that our investment in obtaining an independent report from Furniture Reports saved us a lot of time and effort in securing a a full refund."
G & J Neave, Panxworth Norwich (June 2020)
"Just to let you know that we have our money back from the credit card company. With many thanks for a very professional report."
M Jolley, Wirral (April 2020)
"Hi Dee / Jason,
I am delighted to advise you both that thanks to the comprehensive report supplied by Jason we have been fully reimbursed by the Royal Bank of Scotland for both the original purchase price of the Furniture Village suite plus the cost of the report under the Section 75 Credit Card protection scheme.
I was very impressed with Jason's professionalism and his diligence and attention to detail whilst he was carrying out the inspection but for the most part left him to it. A few weeks later however when the report itself arrived I was amazed not only with the number of different faults and issues Jason unearthed but more the way the report was compiled and presented. It was so well put together I cannot imagine how any other outcome could have been reached.
Hopefully I won't have to call upon your services again however I can wholeheartedly endorse your work and recommend anyone not to hesitate in using Furniture Reports - particularly when dealing with a large furniture retailer whose post sale Customer Service suddenly disappears once they have your money."
L & M Pursey, Hazlemere (Feb 2020)
"Following yesterday's hearing we would again express our sincere thanks for your efforts on our behalf.
Your detailed and concise report together with your excellent personal presentation at the Hearing ensured a satisfactory outcome to this protracted case with the judge finding completely in our favour."
Mr and Mrs Talbot (Sept 2019)
"Dear Mr Cogley
We would like to thank you for your excellent report on our faulty mattress, we have had no problems with Carpet Right the supplier in obtaining a full refund including your report cost.
Again thank you very much for the successful outcome.
Yours sincerely.
M Howells (May 2019)
I am delighted to be able to tell you that, thanks to your Report, the Bank has now fully reimbursed the cost of the furniture and also the cost of your report. We are very happy with the outcome and if you wish to refer new customers to me for a reference, I should be pleased to help.
Many thanks once again. Best regards.
J McDougall (May 2019)
"Hi there Jason and co.
Great news for us, Furniture Village have today confirmed that we will be receiving a full refund on the sofas you did a report on.
We can't thank you enough for the thorough inspection and report you did, we were despairing with FV's attitude and the awful discomfort of the sofas. Best thing I ever did was contact you! Now we just have to find a replacement, bit scared really, it's a minefield!
Thanks once again."
S O'Neill (May 2019)
"Hello Dee and Jason
Just a quick follow up for your records. After submitting your report to DFS with my letter of intent I was contacted by the manager on the same day. After a bit of wrangling we now have a full refund for the sofa and the cost of your report. I would like to thank you both for your help in this most trying of matters. Everything regarding the visit and report exceeded my expectations, and was carried out in the most professional manner.
Thanks again."
R Cook (February 2019)
"Good morning Dee and Jason
Before Christmas you did a furniture report for me re. Sofology Furniture. You will be pleased to know that I sent your report registered/signed for on the 8th of January 2019. It was signed for at 11.37 on the 9th of January and followed up at 12.30 by an email from me saying that I knew they had the report and threatening them with legal action if they did not respond within 7 days. Three emails later at 15.45 the same day I was offered a full refund. There were a few problems getting the money, but I now have it. I am about to start the process of reclaiming my costs and expenses for the whole of the process. Thank you both for your excellent service and advice.
I wish you both well - Kind regards"
N Wills (February 2019)
"Hi Jason and Dee
This is Mr Wills from Hemel Hempstead regarding the report made on Sofology. Would like to thank you as the claim went in my favour and a full refund is being made with a termination of the agreement. However, I wanted to enquire whether or not it's appropriate to allow Sofology to pass on your report to their investigators. I think they were overwhelmed by the staggering thoroughness and in depth investigation carried out by yourself! Could you please let me know if this is acceptable with yourself or if not acceptable; I will refuse allowing them to do so with a non consent.
B Haines (January 2019)
"Hi Dee
I thought I would let you and Jason know that Oak Furniture Land has refunded me the FULL purchase price plus the £250 covering the cost of the technical report. They kept on trying to get out of their responsibility for the poor manufacturing process of the suite. However, it wasn't until I told them that the next communication they hear from me will be via the courts because I was going to use the report as the basis of my claim against them, this seemed to spur them into agreeing to the full refund etc.
Many thanks for your help - Kind Regards"
S Lewis (January 2019)
I would like to say thank you so much for your help re the problem with our suite brought from Furniture Village. When we sent the report to the Nationwide credit card they refused our claim stating they were upholding the Ombudsman decision that we did not have a case. We challenged this decision stating the ombudsman refused our claim because we had not sent in any evidence. I requested they read your report and re check what we sent them. They almost immediately agreed to a full refund. We have received a refund for the suite from the finance company and our expenses from the credit card people.
Thank you so much - Kind regards
B Rose (September 2018)
"Dear Jason and Dee
I received the report yesterday thank you & put it in 1st Class post to J
Lewis the same day. Thank you so much for all your help. Dee, when you first
told me the cost of the inspection I gasped but having read the report I
now think it was very reasonable. As you said there is a lot of work other
than the very thorough inspection & I was Very impressed with the report,
not to mention your qualifications Jason! I will let you know the outcome.
My thanks again. Kind Regards "
E James (August 2018)
"Dear Jason
Thank you for the report. On receiving it we forwarded it to John Lewis and within a week they have now told us to choose a replacement mattress and base and are going to refund the cost of the survey. This would not have been possible without your assistance.
Thank you again... Kind regards"
J Collins (June 2018)
"Hi Jason
Just to let you know that my action against Harveys was referred to mediation and on Friday 1st June a settlement was reached that I was quite pleased with of £2300.00 inclusive of the fees I paid to you and my court expenses etc. It is my responsibly to get rid if the furniture which I have donated to a local charity. Thank you for your support in this long drawn out dispute
Kind regards."
S Perry (May 2018)
"Jason - You will be pleased to know I won my court case yesterday against Furniture Village. The judge highly commended your report because of the detailed investigation & analysis of the possible causes of failure, your credentials and the declarations at the end of the report set out in the manner required by the court.
He dismissed the FIRA report because it appeared that their technician had not carried out a proper inspection & jumped to the first conclusion he could think of. He queried their independence particularly when the FV representative said they always use FIRA.
The judge has ordered that the mattress be replaced with a new one (this may be difficult as FV have stopped selling Jensen Beds). He has also ordered that the bed base be repaired and at my request FV will need to provide a detailed method statement on how this will be achieved, the type of adhesive which must be non toxic to be used and the details of the individual who will carry out the repair.
If I require your further assistance in commenting on the FV method statement, the Judge has ordered that a sum not exceeding £150 can be paid to yourself for a further report.
Furniture Village have until 29th May to furnish me with details of the intended repair & notify me of the lead time for the new mattress. The repair has to be carried out in advance of the mattress delivery.
Many thanks for your help & assistance in this matter & the quality of your initial report.
H Jamieson (May 2018)
"Good morning Dee
I am pleased to let you know that John Lewis has finally accepted the mattress is faulty. I am very grateful to Jason for his very thorough and professional investigation and report into the mattress problems. Without his help the resolution with JL would not have been achieved. I am also very grateful to Which? Legal for having recommended Furniture Reports. Following advice from Which? Legal I advised JL that without a response to my Letter before Action I was proceeding to the Small Claims Court. To show reasonable willingness to mediate, I agreed to JL bringing in Ecomaster to provide a report on their behalf. Ecomaster confirmed the mattress was faulty. With two reports contradicting FIRA, JL agreed to replace the mattress and to refund the expenses I had incurred. In parallel, I followed Jason's advice and proceeded with a Section 75 claim against Mastercard. The bank responded very quickly after I sent them Jason's report and copies of all correspondence with JL. The bank offered a reasonable settlement without admission of liability. I have now advised the bank that the dispute has been settled. So again many thanks to Jason and you for all your help.
Best wishes."
C Gregory (May 2018)
"Dear Dee,
Thank you very much for the email on Monday, and the hard copies of Mr. Cogley's report which arrived yesterday. We appreciate the hard work put into this by Mr Cogley, and were very sorry to hear that he had been unwell. Please give him our best wishes. He conducted his visit here in a thorough and professional manner. We were most impressed by his diligence and extreme attention to detail in determining the root cause of the problems with the chairs. We will spend a few days thinking about our next move, as well as seeking advice from my daughter who is a solicitor.
We will let you know the final outcome of our dispute with HSL, and thank you again for the report. Kind regards."
Jay (November 2017)
"I thought that you'd be interested to know how things turned out with our complaint against Bensons concerning a faulty 'Sleep to Live' mattress that you inspected for us.
Overall, we have received 80% reimbursement of our initial purchase expenditure and complaint costs from Bensons, which is more than the 50% we were seeking through the Furniture Ombudsman (based on the product failing after 5 years use against a 10 year manufacturer warranty).
I am now satisfied with the this outcome, but note that the complaint had been ongoing since mid-March 2016, a period of nearly 21 months.
Thank you for your help by undertaking an independent inspection for us in the summer. Very best regards."
G Hughes (September 2017)
Full refund.
"This is to let you know that our claim has been met in full, and to thank you for your expertise and professionalism. Kind regards. "
S Farmer (September 2017)
Full refund.
"I have sent the report into Dreams, I am very pleased to say they have agreed to replace the mattress. I would like to say a great big thank you, I do not think we would have this result without your report. Kind regards. "
A&P Walker (August 2017)
"Hello JM Cogley and Team. We have just read your superbly professional report we will now forward it to the appropriate body for a hopefully successful result, we will let you know the result whatever that may be. We both cannot thank you enough. After a long long wait we feel we are nearly there, one feels so alone against these so called professional retailers. I wonder if the Queen would be interested in recinding her by appointment status to Daniels! Our kindest regards to you all. "
J&J (August 2017)
Full refund.
"Dear Jason, Sorry for the delay in letting you know that we won the case against Hafren Furnishers. We were in court for nearly 4 hours and without your fantastic report I'm not sure if we would have been able to (in fact I am very sure that we would not have) My mother in law's health deteriorated around the same time as the court case and has since died and her funeral is on Thursday. Time for a catch up and you were first on the list. A big thank you. "
S McDowall (August 2017)
Full refund.
"Just to let you know we have successfully received a full refund for our furniture and thanks for you help. Regards. "
L Marciniw (July 2017)
Full refund.
"Just to let you know that last week my Credit Provider, issued a full refund for the "goods" investigated by you. Plus interest!
I sent the PDF of your report to the Trader as well, along with all the photos as she requested - but instead of accepting the results of your report as had been the promise early in the dispute, she instead forwarded the lot on to the Manufacturer (Somnus under Harrison Spinks). Who took some weeks to reply, but then rejected your report completely, claiming you were not known to them. (How this invalidated your findings I'm not quite sure...?)
Whatever, the outcome has been the desired one (although I am still angry the Trader/Manufacturer appear to 'have got away with it') - even if nearly 9 months later. Thanks completely to your report I am sure, with Citizen's Advice & the Financial Ombudsman service deserving some little credit also. I did, recently, forward your report + photos to Citizen's Advice & have since been assured Trading Standards have been made aware of them also.
Please let Jason Cogley know the results of his impressively thorough work, and extend my heartfelt thanks to him once again. There is no doubt I have learnt a lot from this experience, and much of that down to him.
D Milton (June 2017)
Full refund.
"Hello to all. Just to let you know that although Vi-Spring still claim there is no fault in the mattress, they have agreed to a refund 'as a gesture of goodwill'. More likely because they did not want your evidence to be heard in court. You can add another successful outcome to your record. Many thanks"
Mr N A (December 2016)
Full refund.
"Hi Jason. Thanks to your professional and very comprehensive report, which was presented in court, I won the case and received a full refund for my faulty sofas. The retailer was having none of it, but the judge was very impressed with your report and your previous experience. Kind Regards"
Mr and Mrs M (December 2016)
Full refund.
"We are extremely impressed with the service and results obtained by Furniture Reports. Our faulty mattress is being replaced and we did not even have to go to court, thanks to them. If you need help, look no further."
Ms L, Dartford (September 2016)
Full refund.
"I have finally had a full refund and would like to thank you for all your support and hard work, Jason is very easy to talk to and certainly knows his trade. Many thanks."
Mr & Mrs C from Cambridge (September 2016)
Full refund.
"We consulted Furniture Reports because we ordered a 6 foot 9 inches long bed set; when delivered the divan was the correct length but the mattress was clearly a standard 6 foot 6 inches long one. The Retailer then spent 10 months denying this, but in the face of an inspection by Furniture Reports and then a nasty letter from a heavyweight firm of lawyers, they ordered us a replacement mattress as a gesture of good faith, which has now been delivered and it's the right length! The report we had was comprehensive, accurate, and would have carried a judge any day I should know, I'm a lawyer myself. We cannot recommend Furniture Reports highly enough, they were a shaft of lucidity against a bonkers retailer and a disinterested manufacturer."
Mr & Mrs P from Paignton, Devon (August 2016)
Full refund.
"My husband and I would like to thank Jason and Jen for the wonderful and professional report they did for us, in the badly fitted and misrepresentation e.g no contract no cooling off period saying we could claim the vat back as my husband is disabled, and resolving our issues with [retailer] which we submitted to [credit card] for them to investigate on June 17th 2016. [credit card] responded Saturday 20th August and agreed our claim of £2776.00 under section 75 of the consumer credit act 1974 we feel sure without their report we would still be fighting this claim. So thank you both For anyone out there who needs a furniture report we would recommend them wholeheartedly they went way beyond what we expected Once again thank you so much."
Mr & Mrs P in Lancashire (August 2016)
Full refund.
"Dear Jason, Just a few lines to let you know that finally after going through a lot of hoops, we have got a statement from our bank showing that the visa company had paid the full purchase price from [retailer] for the sofa & chair into our account. We have also received a cheque for our costs directly from [retailer]. Without your help we are sure we wouldn't have got anywhere with them. Sending our grateful thanks to you and your team for your support and help in getting us this result. "
Chris and Paddy Pittam (August 2016)
Full refund.
"Hi Jen and Jason. My husband and I would like to thank Jason and Jen for the wonderful and professional report they did for us, in the badly fitted and misrepresentation e.g no contract no cooling off period saying we could claim the vat back as my husband is disabled, and resolving our issues with kitchen genie which we submitted to barclaycard for them to investigate on June 17th 2016. Barclaycard responded Saturday 20th August and agreed our claim of £2776.00 under section 75 of the consumer credit act 1974. We feel sure without their report we would still be fighting this claim. So thank you both. For anyone out there who needs a furniture report we would recommend them wholeheartedly - they went way beyond what we expected. Once again thank you so much."
Mr & Mrs L from Hampshire (March 2016)
Full refund.
"Good news !! [retailer] have agreed to refund us fully for the poor quality furniture and the full cost of your report. I confirm that they collected the furniture from us today. In the meantime, our credit card company has credited us with the cost of the furniture and deducted it from [retailer] account. Please particularly thank Jason for his excellent work and report. Thanks again to all your team."
Nick C of Stanmore, Middlesex (March 2016)
Full refund.
"I hope you are well. I trust you remember me. You did a report for me at my home last year. The court case was last week and thankfully we won. Your report was by far and away the key piece of evidence that the judge considered. Everything else surrounding the case he dismissed. Thanks to your report he found that the furniture was not of a satisfactory quality. Thank you for your great work and I will recommend you of course going forward! Kind Regards."
Mr and Mrs P from Bradford, West Yorkshire (March 2016)
Full refund.
"Just to let you know that we have been successful in our claim with our credit card with regard to our Three Piece Suite. We are really grateful to you all for the work which did for us and would certainly recommend you to anyone who needed assistance with a similar problem. Once again thank you we could not have done it without your support."
Mr and Mrs S from Stockport (February 2016)
Full refund.
"We just want to say a huge thank you to you for the absolutely excellent and very thorough and professional report you carried out for us on our G Plan Sofa suite. The retailer had denied any faults from delivery day which was when we first reported them, plus we were also mis-sold the product, by being given false information on the filling in the backs of the sofas. Once we had obtained your report and showed it to them, they still said there were no faults, so we did a Money Claim Online through the Small Claims Court. As soon as court papers were served, they responded to remove the furniture and refund us the full amount, plus court costs, but not for your report as they said it was not independent. We did not accept this silly reason and still persisted. We suggested if they wanted to question you then to do it in court. They obviously knew they were being ridiculous. A few days later they gave in and we now have every single penny back plus the full cost of your report. Once they saw your report, they knew they could not win in court. Once again many thanks and we would not hesitate to use you again and will definitely recommend you to anyone who needs a furniture report."
Mrs. G from Surrey (November 2015)
Full refund.
"Hello Jason - just to let you know we have received a full refund for the furniture and cost of your report and the furniture has been collected.We are waiting for our new sofas to be delivered by a different company. Without your help and thorough report this wouldn't have happened - Thank you so much! Kindest Regards"
Paul L (December 2015)
Full refund.
"I wanted to provide you with an update on our successful claim. Before your report they would not budge but after submission of your report to them they quickly responded. Their manager visited our house and inspected the sofa. They agreed with all your findings. Within a couple of days we received an offer of £2512 which was the full value of the purchase price.
Without your help and support we would never have got this far. Thank you again and we would be sure to recommend you to others in the future. Many Thanks"
Mr. & Mrs. C from Burnley
Full refund.
"After your report, we have been given a full refund of £3070.00 and the cost of the report. The Bank have asked that the Furniture be disposed of or given to charity and were free to go and purchase a complete new set. My only issue is that the seller (I cannot name them for legal reasons) has got away with selling poor quality. That said, a Big thank you for your time and your report. Job well done."
Mr. & Mrs. C from Heronridge Notts
Full refund.
"Hi Jason and team, we received a phone call today 3rd June 2015 from the retailer to say they are offering a full and total refund of all monies paid. Without your full and concise report we would have been unable to progress this claim. The retailer are also refunding the report cost. You were so professional in your examination and detailed report it 'blew us away'! And therefore we have no hesitation in recommending your business to anyone having a consumer furniture problem. Long may your business prosper as consumers need your voice to speak on their behalf. Many Thanks again from two very satisfied customers!"
Mr. & Mrs. A from Basingstoke
Full refund.
"Dear Mr. Cogley, I am writing to say a very big thank you for the excellent report you prepared following the inspection of our lounge furniture. I am absolutely delighted to let you know that we have confirmation that we will be receiving in full and final settlement the full amount of our claim. We have no doubt at all that without your report this would not have happened so. Thank you so very much. 27th May 2015"
Full refund.
"Just wanted to let you know we were very pleased with the report. Our credit card company said it was very good and the photos were excellent. It gave them just what they needed. They have now refunded the total cost of the whole suite, not just the one chair we were originally complaining about. Many thanks for your help. KJ"
Full refund.
"Hi Jason and Team
I just wanted to let you know that I successfully won the case in court and was awarded the full cost of the sofa plus additional costs.
Thanks a lot for your assistance in this!
best regards
Margaret D
Full refund.
"I just wanted to thank you so much for your excellent report on my furniture. As you know I had been complaining to M/S since the day it was delivered without any success. As soon as they received a copy of your report they phoned my daughter and agreed to a full refund, it was collected on Thursday. I am so grateful to you."
Kath L, Sutton - Surrey
Full refund.
"Message...with regard to Jason's report, the retailer has offered a full refund and is collecting the sofas. Many thanks Jason as without your very concise report a refund would not be forthcoming."
Paul & Margaret.
Full refund & fees from the credit card company.
"Many thanks for your report - it was truly excellent and comprehensive.
As soon as [Credit Card Company] received it they immediately gave us a full refund including your fees - So we are very happy.
The " other side " sent out a " specialist" who was in and out of our house well inside 10 minutes but saw and agreed the damage after taking a few photographs.
This was a complete contrast to your friendly professional approach & detailed summary of faults accompanied by pages of photographs which were all very much appreciated.
As soon as [Retailer] heard from [Credit Card Company] they hurridly arranged to pick up the suite.
Once again thankyou for your help. "
Miss Jacquie B, Basingstoke, Hampshire - Dylan Corner Unit.
Within 7 days of receiving our report the retailer has agreed to a full refund.
"Just wanted to say a huge thank you for your report - [Retailer] have just called and the sofa is getting collected on Thursday and a full refund is on its way."
Mr Roger B, Hales Owen, Birmingham - Leather 3-seater sofa and two armchairs.
Roger had a total of 8 service technician visits and the chair was also returned to the retailer for repair but the manufacturing defects persisted.
"I had a call from [Retailer] yesterday saying 'Who do I make the cheque out to?'. So we've won. Many thanks for your brilliant report they are not contesting it. They are going to uplift the chair and give me a full refund. So that's brilliant and I have to say your report was absolutely spot on. Thanks very much."
Mrs Audrey P, Mitcham, Surrey - £1,700 dining table & chair set.
"I submitted the report, and the manufacturers thought the report was being picky. However, they have decided to reimburse us for the whole set dining room set minus £450 for the 18 month usage."
"Thank you again for your help and if ever I know of anyone who would like an independent furniture report done, I will definitely recommend you."
Mrs Glenys M, Newburn, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Bedding inspection report.
"Our sincere thanks for a readable report that makes sense of the situation."
"I have just realised we didn't let you know how we got on. [Retailer] still insist they do not acknowledge your report and have proved the mattress is not faulty. However, eventually (their internal process being painfully slow), Barclaycard agreed that we had proved our case under the consumer credit act. We got a full refund of the mattress and your report."
"Our sincere thanks for your help and all the best for your business going forward."
Mrs Sally M, Hales Owen, Birmingham, West Midlands - Leather 3-seater and 2 armchairs.
Three inspections by the retailer failed to acknowledge or recognise multiple manufacturing defects.
"Hi jason, just to let you know, suite was uplifted today. Thank you very much for all your help and money being put back on card tomorrow."
Mr Keith W, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire - Leather suite with colour loss.
"Thank you for your assessment today. A very professional and thorough service."
Mr Andrew A, Colwyn Bay, Clwyd - Dining table and chair set.
"We did get there eventually and our money was returned."
"Thank you for your assistance."
Miss Katrina C, Elmstead, Surrey - Mattress inspection.
"... we got our money back for the mattress ... report costs were also refunded."
Mrs Jo C, Dereham, Norfolk - 3-seater leather sofa - tearing leather.
"I sent report off and had to then ring a month later to chase up a reply but did get my money back both for the suite and your fee so thankyou for your assistance."
Mr Zac T, Bristol, Avon - Bed frame and memory foam mattress inspection.
Retailer eventually sent Zac a warranty kit, (a piece of string and two weights), and then stated 'within manufacturer's tolerences'.
"Hi Jason, just to let you know my mattress claim has finally been settled, basically Lloyds bank were not getting anywhere with [Retailer], so they advised me to write to the Financial Ombudsman & the complaint was then against Lloyds, within one week, Lloyds agreed to a full refund for the cost of the mattress, they will then in time (hopefully) claim money back from [Retailer]. So im glad I took out the finance option to pay for the mattress as this gave me additional help, thanks for all your help, looking forward to not sleeping in large divot!! cheers zac"
Mr Keith W, Luton, Bedfordshire - Leather 3-seater sofa and 2 armchairs.
Our report was compiled after 2 visits from the retailer's upholsterers both of whom stated "no fault found".
"Hi Jason, many thanks for your help. [Retailer] have replaced my sofa."